Saturday, July 19, 2014

Gym Woes: A Tale of Three Vile Teenagers

  I truly believe the only person you should try to be better than is yourself. That being said, I just out-planked 3 unbelievably cruel teenage boys.

  Story time: I was at the gym minding my own business, trying to get my stretch on after running, when this group of boys started working out next to me. All of the sudden they couldn't stop laughing. Further eavesdropping revealed that their funny bones had been tickled at the expense of an overweight girl who was struggling on the elliptical. I will not pollute your brainpalace with their fiendish commentary, but trust me, it would make your skin crawl. Anyway, they decide to place bets on which one of them could hold a plank the longest. I don't know what processed me to do this, but I invited myself to join their competition. My plank may have ended with shaky arms and legs, but I lasted a full minute longer than the trio of douches. I then proceed to get up, put my mat away, gave them my best ‘disappointed mom’ stare, and walked away. I wanted to find the aforementioned girl so I could give her a high five and tell her to continue being fabulous, but alas, she was nowhere to be found.

  My heart breaks for the girl I never actually had the pleasure of meeting - probably because I have been there, and truth be told most days it feels like I still am. I remember days when I didn’t want to workout because I literally didn’t want to be seen. My mind had me convinced that staying in was preferable to making strangers bear witness to my disgustingly unfit-form battling to move. (How messed up is that?)

  Listening to those boys did indeed validate that fear. But the hard truth is, yeah, there are people who will have a problem seeing someone who they have personally deemed aesthetically displeasing trying to be physically active. That is entirely THEIR problem though. The difficult part is deciding not to let that knowledge affect you negatively. Making the decision to commit to your own happiness, despite the voice in your head telling you to stay inside. 

  Oy. I really hope the trio of douches didn’t spread their hateful energy anywhere near that warrior princess. Let's just add this interaction to the endless list of reasons why I loathe the gym, shall we? 

  Well, I'm off to make myself piƱa kale-ada! Goodnight, my fine feathered friends!